Kenny Cown

Kenny Cown
Customer Service Manager
Meet Kenny Cown, a member of the Breda Pest Management team as our Customer Service Manager. Kenny is a native of Monroe, GA and now resides in Loganville. Learn more about Kenny and the fundamental part he plays in Breda's success.
How many years have you been at Breda?
I started in May 2012, so currently in my 6th year.
What Role Model Do You Admire and Why?
Not trying to earn brownie points, well maybe a few, but it's most certainly my wife, Jennifer! Since the time we began dating I knew in my heart that she was a smart, beautiful, kind soul. I knew then, nearly 20 years ago now, that I would be one lucky guy if I ended up getting to spend the rest of my life with her. Her dedication to balancing her career as a Pharmacist, a mother to our children and partner in life as my wife makes her a true role model. She inspires me to be a better employee, father and husband every day and I wouldn't be the person I am today if it were not for her love and support in my life.
What's Your Favorite Sports Team?
I'm a local homer all the way, so I support all the Atlanta locals: Braves, Falcons, Hawks, United and then, of course, all my UGA Bulldog teams, Sic 'em!
What's Your Favorite Snack?
Love a snack that has sweet and salt, so a fresh popped bag of popcorn with some M&M's or Reese's Pieces are my fav!
Best Piece of Advice You Have Ever Received?
From my dad. He told me a long time ago that "if a job is worth doing, then it's worth doing right." I think about that daily as I process how to go about any task in both my work and personal life.
What is the One Thing You Could Never Live Without?
Family. Cliche' perhaps, but I come from a big family that spends a lot of time together throughout the year for everything from holidays, to birthdays to just random Sunday afternoon family dinners. I would not be the person I am today if it were not for all the love and support that my family has provided throughout the years.
What are Three Words That Best Describe You?
Honest, Compassionate, Dependable.
What Does Your Job Role Entail at Breda?
Currently, my main focus here at Breda is getting in touch with our new client leads that come to us from our tremendous marketing campaign. When potential clients reach out to us they are looking for answers or advice on a variety of pest control issues. It is my job to ensure they are properly greeted and know that we take their concerns seriously, whether it's a small issue with ants or a larger issue like a rodent infestation. My focus is on listening to their concerns, educating them on what may be behind the issue at hand and then detail what solutions we here at Breda can provide to get them pest and worry free once again.
What Does Your Average Day Look Like?
My day typically will begin with processing paperwork from the previous day and returning any phone calls that may have contacted me after hours. Then I jump right into responding to our client email leads. I will cross check the new inquiries with our current database of clients, just to see if they might be a current client with a new need or if we have previously serviced the address for a previous homeowner. We break for lunch around noon for 30 minutes and then it's right back into the email! Once leads are all addressed, other office duties may require attention such as filing, light cleaning, other side projects that may be on my desk until it's time to get paperwork ready for the next day. Some days like a Monday or a day after a holiday can certainly be hectic, but we always find a way to get it done!
Favorite Moment That's Happened While Working at Breda
My favorite moment is the same day each year, it's typically the day before Christmas Eve when we have the Breda Family Christmas Party. It's already such a special time of year in general, and everyone is excited as Christmas is just around the corner! We work a 1/2 day until about noon before closing things down and moving over to the Christmas Party. The office staff always exchanges small gifts among one another, there are no rules or limits, but humor and inside jokes are always appreciated and if you can somehow incorporate the Chevy Chase Christmas Vacation movie into your gift, you typically get bonus points! We are then graciously hosted by both Rodger and Janice Breda for Christmas dinner. Everyone in the company is brought together to share in brothership and always served a wonderful meal! We say our "Merry Christmas's" and give our hugs "Good Bye" and leave to spend time with our other families until we reunite again after Christmas.