Our Response to COVID-19
March 21, 2020
Our technicians are all equipped with P100 respirators and masks. In the pest control industry, we have safety training as part of our on-going continuing education requirement, here in Georgia. This safety training includes having completed and passed a respirator fit test. If our technician needs to come inside your home, they will have on protective equipment to keep you, your family and us, safe. Our technicians also carry 'Instant Soap N' Water' on their vehicles to continuously sanitize their hands. We will complete the work order on a tablet and email the work order so that no touching of a device is needed. Of course, we are listening to our clients needs and circumstances to better fit each service to that particular home. Some homeowners cannot have anyone inside due to current medical condition, but we can still keep a barrier up on the exterior to prevent as many insects as possible from coming inside. Our tech will knock on the door on arrival and step way back to discuss any particular needs. If you feel as if you would like to have a plan pre-arranged before our arrival, please feel free to contact our office staff so that we can include specific instructions upon the technicians arrival. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, we're here to assist.
March 9, 2020:
The words safe, healthy, and clean are used often in our company culture. Those words have a greater impact now, more than ever. We want our clients and all homeowners to know we are adapting our protocols so that we can stay safe and keep you and your family safe and still protected from anything that crawls, flies or bites. Luckily, our industry is a lot of outside work - where we can keep our safe distance and still keep you protected from mosquitoes, ants, termites and those 4 legged critters that love to take up residence in our attics and crawl spaces. The Pest Control industry is known for its training on PPE (personal protective equipment). That training has kicked in overdrive to make sure our clients stay protected and their health remains our top priority. Thanks to our wonderful clients that recognize our safety protocols and recognize the importance of small business. We are here for you and we will work with all homeowners on keeping you all protected from any 6 legged bug, 4 legged critter, or 8 legged arachnid. Our focus will continue to provide all homeowners with a safe, healthy, clean environment that is bug and critter free.
All the Best,
Rodger Breda, Matt Breda & Mitchell Breda