a tree in front of a house

How Ticks and Fleas Can Affect Your Pets

When you think about how many times a day that you let your animals out of your house and into your yard, it's easy to imagine how much they are exposed to. Animals have fur that attracts and easily picks up pests that are in your lawn and around your home. Our pest services company believes the two biggest pests that your animal can pick up and bring inside are fleas and ticks.


As a pet owner, fleas are probably already a concern you have for your furry family. Fleas can attach themselves and feed on a large variety of animals such as reptiles, birds, humans, and domesticated and wild mammals. For the most part, fleas stay on the host animal that they were picked up by, or they may transfer to another animal that is nearby. Fleas carry diseases that can affect the overall health of your pet, which can be heartbreaking for a pet owner. Some pets may develop an allergy to flea saliva, which will cause irritated skin and extreme itchiness. The most effective method of dealing with fleas on your pets is to use a flea brush to get them off. Fleas also can easily move to your furniture or carpet. In some cases, fleas can be an indication of internal pest infestation. If you suspect that there may be other pests in your home such as rats, raccoons or squirrels, then calling a pest control specialist from Breda Pest out is a great idea since fleas live on these animals as well.


When your dog is out in the yard, he or she is likely going to pick up a tick every once in a while. Ticks attach to you or your pet and latch on and feed off their host. Ticks target hosts by standing on their back legs and reaching up to attach to the clothing or fur of hosts that pass by. Once they latch on, they make their way to the head and neck area of the host, where they will feed and swell up to four times their size. Ticks target areas that are difficult for animals to self groom so make sure you thoroughly check your pet when scanning for these pesky insects. Ticks can carry lyme disease or Rocky Mountain Fever, so checking your pets and children for ticks is always important. Unfortunately, ticks can transfer multiple diseases to their host when they bite them.  If you find a tick on your pet or yourself, be careful in removing it. Simply ripping it off poses the risk of the head still being buried in your skin which can lead to disease. Instead, use a pair of tweezers to carefully remove the tick by pinching the bug as close to the skin as possible and removing it in one swift motion.


Instead of waiting until your house or pet is infested with these pests, call one of our Breda pest control experts today. We can provide sercvices to help prevent and get rid of any unwanted fleas or ticks that may be wreaking havoc on your cats, dogs, or home.