What You Need To Know
All moths progress through egg, larva, pupa and adult stages. Most of the eating and damage is done by the larvae. They are capable of feeding on a wide variety of items and aren't usually discovered until after the damage has been done. Adult clothes moths may not eat at all.
Most of the moths that pest control companies deal with are considered "stored product pests." Each year it is estimated that ¼-⅓ of the world's grain crop is lost to these types of pests. Stored product pests can enter the food chain at any point from the field on the farm all the way to the consumer's home.
Types of Moths

Indian Meal Moth
- Actual size: 3/4"
- These adult insects get into our food and deposit eggs for the larvae to consume the food in which the eggs were laid. Using the freezer is a great tool. Simply put anything inside the freezer for 7-10 days to prevent throwing away the food. Chocolate, potpourri, dog food, spices, grains are all common food sources sought after.

Clothes Moth
- Actual size: 1/4"
- Clothes moths are pests that can destroy fabric and other materials. They feed exclusively on animal fibers, especially wool, fur, silk, feathers, felt, and leather. These materials contain keratin, a fibrous protein that the worm-like larvae of the clothes moth can digest.
Quick Fact
Your freezer is a great tool in the elimination of stored product pests found in the home. Putting food you suspect has been infested in the freezer for 7-10 days will eliminate the need to throw food away!