Happy March! Spring will arrive near the end of the month, which means the outdoors will be calling your name again. As you spend more time in your yard, you might start to notice some swarms of insects that should not get to enjoy your yard, too. Here are two pests Georgia homeowners should be on the lookout for!
With temperatures warming up for spring, it's time to keep an eye out for termite swarms around your home. When ground temperatures rise to 70 degrees or higher, subterranean termites will swarm, and they only do this during the initial warm-up of spring so don't miss spotting them. Your next indicator you have termites will be damage to your home, so keep an eye out for swarms so you can act quickly and get treatment started before it's a bigger problem.
What to do:
Call Breda Pest Management and schedule a free termite inspection. One of our skilled technicians will scan your home with infrared cameras to find the exact location of termites and microwave technology to measure moisture readings. If termites are present, you will be scheduled for termite treatment.
At Breda Pest Management, we don't use or recommend bait stations to control your termite problem. Instead, we use state-of-the-art hydraulic injections called Termidor HP II to inject the termite barrier into the soil at 4000 PSI. Termites are blind organisms and bait stations leave gaps up to 20' for termites to pass through. Breda protects your home entirely, leaving no gaps in coverage.
The best part of trusting Breda to rid your home of termites? We offer a 10-year renewable warranty that includes repair coverage. If termites return 90 days after initial treatment (that's how long it takes Termidor to eliminate the entire colony), Breda will retreat at no charge, fix the damage at no charge, AND provide you no charge termite coverage for the remainder of the 10-year contract. Now that's a termite guarantee.
Click here to read more about our termite treatment process and the Breda Termite Guarantee.
An end to the winter cold might feel wonderful to you, but remember, you're not the only one coming out of winter hibernation to enjoy the beautiful weather. Thanks to all the rain we've had in Georgia recently, mosquitoes are going to be a big problem as temperatures rise. In March, when the low forecasted temperatures stay above 50-52 degrees, mosquitoes take that as their cue to come out and set up shop for spring and summer.
What to do
Start your mosquito treatments now! March and even April are the best time to schedule your treatment with Breda. We offer Georgia homeowners an all-natural, organic option for mosquito control with products derived from flowers and bacteria, and we only apply treatment to areas needed. This means you and your family (including the furry members!) can enjoy the yard all season and not have to worry about coming in contact with strong chemicals. The beneficial insects in your yard will appreciate it too!
For more information on how to keep mosquitos out of your yard, click here to read our guide. To read more about Breda's mosquito control treatment, click here.
If you find yourself needing pest control and want it handled thoroughly, don't hesitate to give us a call. The Breda Guarantee promises to fix your pest problem and keep it fixed—no matter the circumstances. Schedule a consultation online or give us a call at 770-466-6700.