Happy New Year! We've never been more thankful to see January and we know we're probably in good company. Even though Christmas is behind us, the weather outside is still pretty frightful, so many Georgia residents are still opting to spend a lot of their time indoors. Here are some pests and bugs you may find squatting inside with you...
Pantry Pests
Did your New Year's resolutions list involve eating healthier? (If you're still working on your list, we have some ideas in our previous blog to get you started!) The key to following a better diet is to make sure you have healthy, quick-to-grab options ready to go when hunger strikes. Proper food storage and organization is a great practice for all of us to follow, especially if you want to protect your food from "stored product pests" like Indianmeal moths, sawtoothed grain beetles, red flour beetles, rice weevils, cigarette beetles, warehouse beetles, and drugstore beetles.
What to do:
Keep your pantry and cabinets clean and free of crumbs or open containers.
Store spices, flour, grains, and sweets like chocolate in air-tight sealed containers.
Seal and secure chip and snack bags after every use and clean up any pieces that may spill when you open the bag.
Teach your kids to clean up after themselves and leave the pantry as they found it: sealed and clean!
Cockroaches and Rodents
Roaches and rodents are still a major threat to Georgia homeowners. Consistently cold temperatures push these pests indoors to warmth and a steady food supply.
What to do:
Keep your gutters clear of fallen leaves and twigs. This organic matter combined with moisture from our rooftops in the morning provides an attractive hiding spot for bugs like smoky brown roaches and american roaches.
Clean up any spills, crumbs, or leftovers after every meal.
Regularly dispose of cardboard and loose trash, as these are both sources of food and nesting for both roaches and rodents.
Click here for more in-depth information on cockroaches found in Georgia and click here for more in-depth information on protecting your home against rodents in Georgia.
We also offer cockroach extermination services and rodent removal services if you need it.
Overwintering Bugs
If temperatures start to warm up unseasonably early (as Georgia winters tend to do), be ready to find overwintering bugs coming out of hibernation early and scurrying around your home. Finding a bug here and there isn't cause for alarm, but if you notice swarms of bugs, it's time to give us a call.
What to do:
Seal off any possible entry points inside your home, like windows, doors, baseboards, and utilities entry points. On the exterior, check your roof and siding for any loose spots or openings, and check your HVAC unit regularly for signs of infestation.
Keep your home or business clean—inside and out—to not tempt any potential invading insects with scents or tastes of food. Don't let outdoor lawn debris stay piled up for long and cover any firewood stacks.
Check your home or business for any leaking water sources. Bugs are attracted to water just as much as food!
For more in-depth information on keeping bugs out of your home this winter, click here.
If you find yourself needing pest control and want it handled thoroughly, don't hesitate to give us a call. The Breda Guarantee promises to fix your pest problem and keep it fixed—no matter the circumstances. Schedule a consultation online or give us a call at 770-466-6700.