picture of Athens GA rodent control in Athens GA

Furry Fall Invaders: Athens Homeowners’ Guide to Rodent Control as the Weather Cools

October 14, 2024

Tips on how to stop rodents from entering your home in Athens, GA

As temperatures drop in Athens, Georgia, it's not just homeowners seeking warmth—rodents are, too. Fall is the season when rats and mice become more active, looking for cozy shelter, and unfortunately, your home may be the ideal place for them. While some signs of rodent activity are subtle, others are glaring, like spotting droppings inside your home. This blog will explore how to detect a rodent problem, what steps professional pest control services like BREDA take to eliminate these furry invaders, and how to prevent them from returning.

Why Are Rodents a Problem for Athens Homeowners in Fall?

As autumn arrives, Athens experiences cooler temperatures, especially at night. While these crisp nights might be a relief after the summer heat, they drive rodents in search of warmth indoors. Rats and mice are adept at finding ways into homes through tiny gaps and cracks. Once inside, they create nests, cause damage to your home's structure, and can even spread diseases.

cat looking into hole in the wall in the kitchen rodent control Athens GA

The rodent problem is especially concerning in fall when rodents begin preparing for winter. They are actively seeking food and shelter, and your home provides both. Athens homeowners often deal with Norway rats, roof rats, and house mice—all of which can cause extensive damage if not addressed quickly.

How to Spot Early Signs of Rodents in Your Home

If you've ever dealt with a rodent infestation, you know it doesn't take long for these critters to wreak havoc. One of the most common signs of a rodent problem is finding droppings in your home, often near food storage areas or along baseboards. These droppings are usually the first clue that rodents are inside, but there are other telltale signs to look out for:

  • Gnaw marks on wood, electrical wires, or food packaging.

  • Scratching sounds coming from walls, ceilings, or attics, especially at night.

  • Nests made from shredded paper, fabric, or insulation.

  • Unusual pet behavior, like your dog or cat staring intently at walls or specific areas where they detect activity.

What BREDA Pest Management Does to Eliminate Rodents

mouse trapped in a rodent trap rodent control Athens GA

When homeowners spot signs of rodents, it's essential to call in a professional pest control company. BREDA Pest Management, a trusted local pest control company serving Athens, Georgia, uses a multi-step approach to eliminate rodents effectively. Here's how they tackle the problem:

1. Identify and Seal Entry Points

The first step is to identify where the rodents are entering the home. Rodents can squeeze through incredibly small spaces, so technicians carefully inspect the exterior of the house to locate these potential entry points. Whether it's a gap in the foundation, holes around utility lines, or even damaged roof areas, sealing these entry points is critical to keeping rodents out.

BREDA uses materials like steel wool, metal mesh, and caulk to seal gaps, focusing on areas that can be as small as a dime or quarter-sized hole. Damaged or rotting wood around the exterior of the home is another major concern, as it offers easy access. Repairing and reinforcing these areas ensures rodents don't have an easy way in.

2. Trap the Rodents

Once entry points are sealed, BREDA sets out traps. Using the rodent's preferred food as bait (discovered through evidence of what they've gotten into) increases the effectiveness of trapping efforts. Technicians place traps strategically where rodent activity has been detected, ensuring that no pests are left behind.

3. Monitor and Prevent Future Infestations

Rodent control isn't a one-time job. After initial treatment, BREDA follows up to monitor for any new signs of activity and ensure the home remains sealed. Regular inspections are essential, especially in the fall, to prevent re-entry as temperatures continue to drop.

Why Sealing Entry Points Is Essential

Sealing up your home is certainly not a small task, but it's one of the most critical steps in rodent control. Rodents are notorious for their sharp teeth, which are strong enough to gnaw through wood, plastic, and even concrete. That's why sealing up holes with durable materials like metal mesh or steel wool is so important. While rodents can chew through many materials, they tend to avoid these tougher barriers.

Another reason to seal entry points is that rodents are opportunistic. They prefer the path of least resistance and will take advantage of rotting wood or gaps that are easier to chew through. By repairing any damaged exterior materials, you'll reduce the risk of a rodent infestation dramatically.

Common Entry Points for Rodents in Athens Homes

In Athens, the most common areas where rodents find their way into homes include:

  • Gaps around doors and windows: Weatherstripping that's worn down or missing can create enough space for rodents to squeeze through.

  • Cracks in the foundation: Over time, even small cracks in your home's foundation can become entry points for mice and rats.

  • Vents and utility lines: Holes where utility lines enter your home or open vents can be inviting to small critters.

  • Attic spaces and chimneys: Roof rats and squirrels are known to use overhanging branches to access rooftops, where they can easily find gaps into your attic or chimney.

How to Prevent Rodent Infestations in the Fall

Rodent prevention is all about fortifying your home's exterior and making it less appealing to these unwelcome houseguests. Here are some tips to protect your home from a rodent infestation this fall:

airtight food container rodent control in Athens GA

1. Inspect and Repair Your Home's Exterior

Take a walk around your home and inspect the foundation, roof, windows, and doors for any signs of damage. Look for holes, cracks, or gaps that could serve as entry points for rodents. Pay extra attention to areas where wood is rotting or weathered, as this is a common access point for rodents.

2. Eliminate Food Sources

Rodents enter homes for food, so it's crucial to store food securely. Use airtight containers for pantry items, keep your kitchen clean, and regularly take out the trash. If rodents find food easily inside your home, they'll be more likely to stick around.

3. Maintain Your Yard

Don't forget about your yard! Overgrown shrubs, piles of leaves, and debris can attract rodents to your home's perimeter. Keep your yard well-maintained and trim any tree branches that overhang your roof. These branches act as a bridge for roof rats, squirrels, and other critters.

4. Consider Professional Pest Control

While DIY measures can go a long way in preventing rodents, sometimes professional help is necessary. Pest control companies in Athens, like BREDA Pest Management, offer ongoing prevention plans to ensure your home stays rodent-free year-round.

Rodents are more than just a nuisance; they pose serious risks to your home and health. As the temperatures drop in Athens, it's essential to stay proactive in keeping rodents out of your home. By sealing entry points, setting traps, and maintaining a clean and tidy environment, you can ensure that these furry fall invaders stay outside where they belong.

If you suspect a rodent problem, don't wait—contact BREDA Pest Management to inspect your home and implement a tailored plan to keep rodents at bay this fall.

If you're tired of wondering what the pests in or around your home are doing and just want them gone, don't hesitate to give us a call. The BREDA Guarantee promises to protect your home and keep it protected—no matter the circumstances. Schedule an inspection online or give us a call at 770-466-6700.