Read why a certain blood type is more attractive to mosquitoes
Everything is really starting to spring to life, which means beautiful lawns and landscapesâ¦and the return of those warm-weather pests we all loathe. If you're planning to spend more time outside in the coming months, it's important for you to know which pests to watch out for so you can focus on enjoying the beautiful Georgia spring and summer weather. Here are some facts to help you do just that!
Did you know ticks typically require 24-48 hours of feeding before they can successfully transmit infections like Lyme disease?
April through October is prime tick season, just as everyone is getting back outside to enjoy some fresh air. Ticks mainly live in shaded and damp areas, like woods, taller grasses, and even bushes. This is why ticks are so often found on dogs and little kids—they're lower down and easier to jump onto. Most tick bites aren't life-threatening, but the chance of Lyme disease infection is always something to consider. It's not always obvious that you have a tick on you, since they like to hide, so when you find a tick, it's important to remove it immediately. Even though it takes 24-48 hours for Lyme disease to fully transmit into your body from a tick, you have no way of knowing when the tick actually started chowing down. So get rid of him ASAP!
If you and your family are planning to spend a lot of time in nature this summer, here are some tips for dealing with potential ticks:
Wear clothing that covers as much of your body as possible (we know it gets hot in Georgia!) and choose lighter colors that will make spotting a tick easy.
If you have outdoor pets, make sure you stay up-to-date on their flea and tick treatment. Not only can your pets bring the ticks inside, they can also be at risk for bite-transmitted diseases and infections.
If you suspect contact with ticks, thoroughly check around all of your joints, in pressure points where clothing is tighter, and crevices like your belly button or behind your ears. Ticks also like to nestle into hair, so give your scalp a good rub down.
Did you know mosquitoes preferentially feed on people with the blood type O?
Many studies have been conducted to see if blood type has anything to do with how likely you are to be bit by a mosquito. In each study, people with type O blood were twice as likely to be bit when compared to the other blood types. Why? Scientists aren't sure, but there are other factors that could make you tastier to mosquitoes than other people, like how much your body secretes what type of blood you have, your normal body temperature, and how much carbon monoxide you're expelling when you exhale.
Did you know that honey bees, like humans, can get drunk?
We wanted to deviate from all of the blood and biting talk to bring a more lighthearted fact: bees can get drunk! There are certain fruits that, under the right conditions, can ferment and become tiny little breweries for honey bees. When honey bees drink the fermented nectar of these fruiting plants, they become noticeably erratic. If they fly back to their hive, they may even be rejected and not allowed back in. Man, what a buzzkill!
If you find yourself needing pest control and want it handled thoroughly, don't hesitate to give us a call. The BREDA Guarantee promises to fix your pest problem and keep it fixed—no matter the circumstances. Schedule a consultation online or give us a call at 770-466-6700.