We love providing Metro Atlanta homeowners with superior pest control service and top-notch information on how to combat common insects and critters in Georgia. But we also know that sometimes you just have a random question you'd love a quick answer for.
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This month, we received this question:
Question: What is the spotted lanternfly and do I need to be worried about it?
The spotted lanternfly is primarily an enemy of farmers and those in the agricultural industry. However, that doesn't mean we should leave these folks to fend for themselves! A key behavior that makes spotted lanternflies invasive is the fact that they can essentially hitchhike long distances to spread out and increase their numbers. They will attach to vehicles, clothing, organic material like hay bales, and more to find a new home. So if you're in the middle of the city, it's entirely possible you might spot one of these insects, in which case don't hesitate to kill it.
That's a bit trickier than it sounds, though. As a flying insect, spotted lanternflies are very quick, which means they can often easily dodge any killing attacks you may throw their way. We found this list of potential ways to kill spotted lanternflies on silive.com that we wanted to reshare with you, in case you cross paths with one of these winged terrors:
Squish them: The most foolproof way to kill a spotted lanternfly is to stomp it or swat it, though this can be tricky because the insect is so quick.
Scrape eggs off trees: In the fall, keep an eye out for spotted lanternfly egg masses. They're brown, scab-like things on any flat outdoor surface, like trees, fence posts and rocks. If you find an egg mass, crush the eggs inside.
Set traps: You can use sticky tape traps (available in home improvement stores or on Amazon) on your trees (not too high up from the ground) to trap them. This allows the lanternflies to climb up the trees and get stuck in the tape. When the tape gets crowded, dispose of it and replace it.
Use a shop vac: You can vacuum them up from your deck, patio and garden. Then add liquid soap and water to the vacuum's reservoir to kill them.
Spray weeds with vinegar: Spotted lanternflies can be found on weeds. When this happens, a vinegar solution sprayed directly on the insect and the weed will kill both of them.
Why should non-farmer folks worry about the effects of the spotted lanternfly? In a world where we are continuing to deal with supply issues and shortages across multiple industries, another setback like this to grape, orchard, and logging industries would quickly become detrimental. So do your part and keep an eye out in your yard and on your trees for the spotted lanternfly!
If you find yourself needing pest control and want it handled thoroughly, don't hesitate to give us a call. The BREDA Guarantee promises to fix your pest problem and keep it fixed—no matter the circumstances. Schedule a consultation online or give us a call at 770-466-6700.