Bat Control
Bats are rarely aggressive, even if they're being chased, but they may bite in self-defense if handled. As with any wild animal, bats should never be touched with bare hands. Only one-half of one percent of bats carry rabies. Bats may roost in attics, soffits, louvers, chimneys and porches; under siding, eaves, roof tiles or shingles; and behind shutters. The existence of roosting bats is sometimes indicated by the presence of black or brain stains from body oils or droppings (often called guano). Bat control is not a do-it-yourself project. If you are seeing signs of bats or seeing bats fly around your home in the evening, or have any other wildlife pest control needs, call us at Breda.

The Breda Solution
The sooner Breda can get to work fixing the problem, the less costly and dangerous it will be in the long run. When Breda treats the house, we will be able to conduct a full inspection of the premises and identify any gaps where bats might be getting in.
Protected Young Bats
Unfortunately, young bats are protected by law and cannot be forcibly removed until they can leave of their own accord, meaning that the exclusion process can't begin in full until the bats reach maturity. However, once the young bats are able to leave, Breda can install special bat netting that allows mature bats to leave the house but not get back inside. This humane solution ensures that the bats themselves are not harmed while simultaneously getting the bats out of the house and into the surrounding areas where they can continue hunting bugs.

Cleaning & Re-Sealing
Your Home
After all bats have vacated the home, Breda will also be able to effectively clean the infested area of any hazardous waste using specialized equipment, then re-seal any holes to ensure bats won't be a problem in the future. They can also perform regular checkups to ensure the continued safety and defense of the home.
Breda's Process & Warranty
Breda will seal up all entry points high and low, preventing bats from entering your home. Here at Breda Pest Management, we offer a comprehensive renewable lifetime warranty on our wildlife exclusion services to keep critters out of your home.
Unfortunately, even if the original hole is sealed with galvanized steel, rodents can always chew a new entry point through your walls. Most companies only offer warranties on the spots that they seal. Breda's wildlife exclusion service comes with a comprehensive lifelong warranty on any wildlife activity in your home.
If critters of any kind break into your home, Breda will get them out, clean up the mess, and seal up any new holes with no extra charge to you.
Bat Control Reviews on Google
“Breda did wildlife removal from my attic. For years my daughter told me that she heard what she thought were birds in the attic. What was actually found were evidance of squirrels, birds and bats. Breda performed the initial inspection and told me exactly what they would do to seal up all their entry points, hepa vacuum the waste and disinfectant the attic. The surprise was when they found the area the squirrels chewed from the chimney to go directly into my attic. They had also chewed through the beam holding up my chimney. I called a contractor and he made the necessary repairs so they could no longer have access. Breda workers were very knowledgeable, professional and productive. Their customer service was exceptional and I will continue to use them with their annual warranty on the services that they offer. This company and their staff are all customer service friendly and professional. You will not find a better company. The sound of silence is greatly appreciated.”
“I want to send a HUGE thank you to Lester and Luke! They did a great job taking care of a bat problem at our house. Lester called me to tell me the job was done (we were out of town). He also told me that he found a hole in my roof from a fallen branch. He texted me photos of the hole he found and wished me luck with the repairs. Today, I took a look at the hole on the roof that Lester and Luke found and could see that they filled the hole with caulk to prevent any further damage. They never told me they did that. It was so far above and beyond the call of duty! I can’t thank them enough. Also, many thanks to you for keeping such caring staff on hand”
“I have been using Breda for a good bit now and have enjoyed incredible service from day one! Each technician has been 100% professional, and very service minded. I can’t recommend them enough!”
Find more of our reviews on Google. We have a 4.8-star rating and 855 reviews.